I had a great mothers day. I got to spend it with my family. I have the best family and are so grateful for all they do for us. They are always so thoughtful, supportive and just fun to be with! We went to the temple, dinner, movie and played games with our cousins that were in town!
My brother Kade woke up with Hadley, got her changed and fed and let me sleep in! It was the best mothers day gift ever! I don't know who loved it more, me, Had or Brandon. Cause he slept in too!
Then after church we got to talk to my brother Kason who is on a mission. It was awesome! He sent me hand made Taylor Swift tickets. Almost as good as the real thing!
I'm so grateful to be a mother! I'm grateful for my mom, grandma's and my mother in law. They are great examples to me and I love them. Had brings me so much joy, she is so entertainig. Here are some things Hadley is doing or saying right now that make me laugh every day!
*If she needs my attention she says, "Pssst, mom"
*She love diesels and will say, "Look, big truck mom"
*She tells me everyday that daddy is at work.
*When she gets locked out of the bathroom she runs to tell me that someone is pooping.
*She loves babies, movies, books, swimming, puppies and popsicles.
*When I ask her questions she says, "No way"
*When she wants you to get her she'll say, "I get you"
*She says her last name is Donald.
*She can climb up our pantry.
*If I don't answer her right away she'll call me "ki"
*She loves airplanes.