Dear Hadley,
Three years ago today, we were happier than we could ever imagine and loving our new baby girl! You came earlier than planned and the Dr.'s had prepared us that you were going to be little and not be able to come home right away. But you have to do the opposite of what people tell you since day 1 and you came out bigger than expected. You were 5 lb 14oz 19 inches long.
Daddy thought you would always have a cone head and a crooked nose, but mommy always thought you were so dang cute!

Had at 1 month
It has been so fun to watch you grow, learn, play, and talk. You bring us so much joy!

2 year

And today! Took her to Chuck E Cheese to play with a few friends. Then off to Cafe Rio and Nielson's! And to top if off, a little shopping!

She has the best daddy, he surprised us both by coming home early and bringing us our favorite cupcakes!!

Had, mommy loves you! Hope you had a fun day cause I know I sure did!
A few things about Hadders at 3 yrs.
-you make us laugh
-you tell me that you are funny
-you love to play hide and seek
-you like to say prayers (finally)
-you said your name is not hadley anymore but "halle"
-you love horses, princess's, dress ups, cars, movies, playing outside, playing with friends, you love your grandparents, aunts and uncles, animals
-you think babies are cute but never want to touch them
-you told me to "shut up" for the first time yesterday and it broke my little heart
-you can be the sweetest thing always telling us you love us
-you can be the biggest stinker ever and throw a good fit
-you love to sound out words and have us repeat them, then you say "yeah, thats right"
-you went to a baptism and now you are so scared to get baptized even though its years away
-when you don't get your way and cry, you say something like "mom, i'm sad cause i want more m&m's"
-you pretty much don't take a nap anymore, but sleep in so much better now
-you are so dang tall, you are a lefty, and you have the funnest little personality!