We had a great Thanksgiving this year. It was our year to be with my family in St. George.
Here are a few pics of our fun day.
Brandon brought Toy Story 3 for the kids to watch while we set up dinner and so he could crash.
Here are a few pics of our fun day.
Brandon brought Toy Story 3 for the kids to watch while we set up dinner and so he could crash.
We had a few things planned before dinner to keep the kiddos entertained since we were all at my grandparent's house. We didn't end up doing them until after dinner but they still had fun!
Making turkeys
Making turkeys
Decorating faces with all sorts of things we found in the pantry! This was a hit with all the kids, I don't know why I only have a pic of Brandon making his!
The best part of the day was watching the kids play in the leaves like we did when we were younger! We piled them under the tree and tried talking the kids to jump out into the leaves. Safe, I know. We gave our parents a hard time for letting us all do that when we were younger and unsupervised! Dawson was the only brave one who actually jumped. We got Hadley into the tree but she kept saying, "its to high." Then we had a huge leaf throwing party and then cleaned them up into several bags!!!! I'm glad I don't have to do that every day!

Me and Hadley stayed for 4 days to help with my grandparents. My grandpa just had his 4th knee surgery and my grandma isn't doing so hot these days. What an experience. I was glad I could stay and spend time with them and give my mom a few days off since her and my dad pretty much take care of them. But wow, it is HARD work!!
I was at my grandparents house in the morning til late at night when they went to bed, so I couldn't really go see anyone plus we weren't feeling so good. So I was so grateful for the friends who stopped by to say hi!!! I love ya Brit and Jeanie!!!