Birth Story:
Sunday January 16th, 1-4PM.: (At this point I've been at a 4cm for almost 2 weeks and having contractions, and been on bed rest until I made it to 37 weeks. I had been off bed rest for 3 days at this point) We are at church and I'm having major cramps and contractions the whole time. I kept telling my friend Kristine I think I peed my pants. Right when I get home and make it to the bathroom I realize my water broke. I called my sister in law Erin who is a nurse to ask her advice. I didn't want the hospital to tell me I'm just peeing my pants and send me home! She tells me to go in and get checked. Brandon calls my mom but we tell her not to leave until we know I'm in labor.
4:30 pm : I call Kristine to see if we can bring Hadley over. We drop her off and Brandon and I are starving, we are talking about going through a drive through before we go to the hospital. My contractions are getting worse so I tell him lets just go get checked first.
5:05 pm: We check in at the hospital, they send me to triage. They come in to check me. My water is broke and I'm at a 7 cm. I'm kinda freaking out praying that I get an epidural before my little man makes his arrival! They hurry and get me an IV and start all the stuff so I can get my epidural. Call my mom and tell her to get here fast if she wants to see anything!
5:45 pm: They take me to the delivery room. I'm having really strong contractions, still begging for my epidural, and squeezing the crap out of Brandon's hand!
6 pm: My epidural man comes on in!
6:20 pm: I'm dying still and having back labor. The nurses are telling me how great I'm doing and that I can tolerate pain. And how I better have him by 7 because that is when all there shifts end. I'm thinking no I'm going to die if this thing doesn't kick in and I don't want to push until I'm numb!
6:30 pm: I'm almost good and numb, they check me and I'm at a 9 cm. They call the doctor, we call my mom. They are both hurrying!
6:40 pm: My doctor comes in while we do a practice push, she immediately jumps in and I keep pushing.
6:54 pm: Grayson arrives! 3 weeks early, weighing 7lbs 11 oz. 19 1/2 inches long.
6:56 ish pm: Right when they put him on the scale my mom walks in! She heard him crying in the hall and barely missed it :(
Monday January 17th: My awesome doctor and one of our fabulous delivery nurses come to visit and just say hi!
I don't know if all hospitals do this but at ours they do a nice dinner for the mom and dad. (Since its at the hospital its probably the most expensive meal we will have!) So here is our date night in the hospital. Also this was the moment where we had to turn in the birth certificate so we had to decide on a name!
And late Monday night they let us go home!!!!!!!!!
Grayson brought Hadley a Jessie doll from Toy Story.
She picked out a giraffe for him but threw it on the couch when she noticed he brought her something!
This birth was completely different from Hadley's. It was just me and Brandon and everything went so fast! It was pretty cool. We had amazing nurses who were so much fun that whole night! We have been so blessed. I can't believe this whole thing is over, it was a long time coming trying to even get pregnant with this little guy and we are so grateful to have him in our lives. We are so grateful for our ward and our friends who have been so thoughtful and good to us through out this whole thing!