Thursday, July 31, 2008

He's done!!

Ok, I'm sick of looking at our not-so-updated blog. So I thought I'd change it even though we have nothing to exciting to rant about. But I thought I'd give a little shout out to Brandon who is done with his 3 days of testing for the BAR Exam. Now we just pray that in October when we find out his results, that its good news!! I'm so proud of him and all his hard work and dedication. Plus I'm happy to have a husband again!


Crouch6 said...

Congratulations on being done!!

Lindsay Griffeth said...

That's a great accomplishment! Yeah! It's OVER!

Lesley said...

What the crap?? October?? That is brutal. It can't take that long to grade. Freak. That would drive me nuts. Congrats Brandon!

Rissa and Jared said...

Woo hoo! I'm sure you are both glad it is over. Now time to party (or at least take time to relax a bit!)

Crazy Lifferths said...

YEA! Congrats! That is so exciting!

Erin said...

Yipee! That is so awesome! That stinks that you guys have to wait until October... that's torture! I still need to call you back since my phone died. Now that the funeral and wedding are OVER, I will have time. Talk to ya soon!

Frei Family said...

Yay! I am so excited that he is done with the bar! I hate waiting for those test results to get back! I am sure he did awesome!

Teshua said...

Hey Kiley its Teshua! I just came accross your blog. Your little girl is such a cutie! Congrats on having your husband done!

Doty6strong said...

My BIL took the Bar last week too....Hope the results are good for both Dave and Brandon! Now is the time you can look back and appreciate the struggles and say it has all been worth it. Congrats to Brandon for getting through it all, and to you for supporting him. Sometimes that is the hardest part (supporting). We should get together sometime. Have you guys found a house yet?

The Harbertson Family said...

B-hole...first off, congratulations and all that stuff about being done with the BAR. I know you put in a ton of work for that but I hope you are taking Kiley out for putting up with that.
Second, I'm so bummed that I didn't think to call you guys when we were in Vegas. That would have been so much fun to do lunch or something. I would have LOVED to meet Hadley. She looks like a doll in all of her pictures! We're gonna be in SLC for like 2 weeks around Christmas time so maybe we can get together then. It'd be fun to catch up.
Alright, that's it from me. Don't be a stranger.

Shelley Eggett said...

Good Job Brandon - Good Luck on the resulta - I'm sure you did great!!! Congratulations what a great accomplishment.

Brooke said...

Hey it's Brooke again....
do you care if I add you on my links??

Tobler's said...

Hi Kiley, How is it going?
I have been having to get my blood drawn because I miscarried and they are trying to get my pregnancy level down because for some reason it doesn't want to go down. It's not very fun! So, are you moving to Vegas?

Hansen's Fantastic Five! said...

Kylie, Hey this is Jamie Hansen! You know how the blog surfing goes. well i stumbbled upon yours hope you don't mind!! You're little girl is so big now i can't believe it. Good to see you guys. I don't know if our blog shows up but here it is