Sunday, November 01, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Our weekend was so much fun! It started Thursday night with our ward's trunk or treat. Hadley was a witch.

Getting her all ready. Warning; this girl does not know how to work it for a camera!

A family in our ward brings this awesome train for all the kids to ride in. Its the highlight of the night! This is Had's friend/babysitter Jerrod. She always say's, "jerrod's nice"

Her buddy Nate was a scary lion!

We went with Wes, Lindsay and her parents to the PBR! My favorite thing about the rodeo are the bulls, so just going to the professional bull riding competition was so fun! Thank you Marz and Griffeth's for a fun night out! Oh and the best part was when we were walking in and this little girl sees Wes in his giddy-up and turns to her mom and says, "Mom a real cowboy!"

The evening was great! Awesome company and lots of yummy treats for mom and dad! I'm the worst at taking pics so I'm leaving lots of people out, but thanks to the Crouch kids who took our little ones around with them!

You know you had a great weekend when this happens over lunch!


erica said...

haha, love that she fell asleep...what a fun weekend! she was a darling little witch

Lindsay Griffeth said...

It was a fun weekend! Nate didn't quite fall asleep in his chair but he did ASK to go to bed at 6:15pm. :) We didn't argue that one!

Barrettes and Bows said...

Fun fun! Hadley is getting SO big, and what a cute witch!

Rapunzel said...

Ha ha I love that last picture. She looks so old with her hair like that. She made a good witch!

Britney said...

Had is so cute! Her hair has gotten so long. Your weekend sounded like ours. CRAZY but fun. Love you. You look so cute in all the pictures.

Kim said...

Glad that you are back to blogging Ki! I missed your updates. Your Hawaii trip lookes awesome! And the Halloween pictures are cute. I love Hadley's hair. She is getting so big! Miss you and love you tons!

Nick Paige Josh & Lexy said...

How fun! We went to the PBR as well - but on Saturday! Looks like you are doing good!

Our Little Family said...

Cute hair to both you and Hadders! I love her costume!! And maui looks amazing! Please take us with you next time!
p.s. I WILL really have warm cinnamon rolls waiting for you!!

Heidi Rowe said...

Gotta love Halloween! I wish w had a train to take us around!
Let me know if you make it up here for the holiday's, I would love to get together

Brittany Barnes said...

I love the picture of her in her high chair. You look beautiful as ever! Miss you!