Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Grayson is 1 month!

I can't believe my little man is 1 month today! Is it sad I'm actually depressed about it?! Why does it have to go by so fast?

We have enjoyed this last month with Grayson so much. He is such a sweet little guy and brings so much joy to our family. There is nothing sweeter than a newborn and their little spirit!

Things to remember:

* as of last week he weighed 8lb 4 oz
* this kid is loud! His grunts, sneezes, moans and farts!
* he is always pooping compared to Hadley when she was a newborn!
* he was jaundice and had to get his heal pricked every other day for a week.
* most nights he sleeps 3 - 5 hrs. (wish the 5 hr stretch was more consistent)
* he sleeps the best in the swing or his bouncer/cradle thing.
* he lost a pound after he was born.
* we made it through his circumcision.
* he loves to be held and snuggled.
* sometimes he likes to be swaddled.
* he gets MAD when he is hungry and waking up.
* he is a chill little baby!

His little pose he does during diaper changes.
He is pretty patient and lets us girlies do what we want with him!

Hadley at 3 1/2
She is silly, fun, funny, sassy, sensitive and dramatic!

Things to remember about this little woman:

* When she came to the hospital she said, "Is this my brother? This is totally awesome! He is adorable!"

* We never had the "talk" of how Grayson would be eating. The first time I nursed she said, "Mom, what are you doing?" After we explained to her she said, "that is GROSS"

* For the first week she kept asking if he could crawl yet and that she wanted to teach him.

* It took her 2 weeks but now she talks to him, helps with his binky, burps him and loves wiping his butt.

* Does NOT like to hold her brother yet.

* One morning I pumped instead of nursing him, I asked her if she'd feed him while I did my hair. With a scared little face she says, "I don't want to pump milk out of my boobies!"

* finally she said to us the other night while we were driving to dinner, "I love being a big sister!"

*She says, "Chaa." Instead of "yes"

* She calls Grayson our chunky monkey.

* She tells people, "this is my brother Grayson, he has a big head"

*She calls the roads car tracks.
our downstairs closet a horse pantry. (we keep her toys and her horse bucket in there)


The Tanner Family said...

Hadley is so cute! I love the part about her no want to pump!! I cant believe its alrady been month!

Britney said...

I cannot wait to see both of your cute kiddies next month. What cutie pies. Love all the silly kids things. It made me smile.

Tyler and Kristen Owens said...

he is so adorable! i am glad that you guys are doing well! hopefully he starts sleeping a little longer:)

Rapunzel said...

I think he likes the moose!! ;) I can't wait to see him again, and Hadley cracks me up. So cute Ki. I miss you!!!

Erin said...

Oh my gosh, Hadley is so hilarious! Love the funny thing she says! Grayson is pretty cute, too :) He looks just like Brandon! Love you guys!

Cami said...

congrats!!! yes that is my congrats for having baby grayson a month late!! so sorry! i've been out of the blogging thing... he is adorable and sounds like everything went to fast! that is sure nice.
i laughed out loud reading things that hadley says about her baby brother, so funny! what a little character. time does go by WAY too fast! gosh it's crazy that it was like 3 years ago i was at your house just after hadley was born. i wish time would slow down too.
hope you are feeling good girl, and i'm so happy for you! take care

Anonymous said...

I know this is lame! But I just found out you had him, I loved reading the birth story. Congratulations! So fun!