Grayson was so dang cute on his big day! He didn't make a peep which made Brandon so happy!
Brandon did a wonderful job, the Spirit was so strong. We are grateful for our family and friends who made this day special for us. My brother Kason brought my grandparents down for the day! My grandpa really wanted to be there and it meant so much to me! I know it wasn't easy getting them here. Its so hard for them to travel these days!
Fun day, but glad its over with, I'm not gonna lie!!!!!!!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Grayson 2 months!

I've been putting this off long enough... my baby is 2 months!
Things I need to remember:
* our porker weighs 11lbs 5 oz
*he started smiling on March 4th
*he was blessed on March 6th
*he always has to be sucking on something, hand, binky or whatever! I refuse to let him be a thumb sucker! good thing when he sucks on his cute little hand he tucks his thumb in and never gets it in his mouth
*the kid would eat all day if I let him and would drink anything. (he didn't poop for almost a week, so we gave him some apple juice. I kept waiting for him to make faces because it was cold and not milk, well it didn't phase him. He loved it)
*he is still not on a schedule and I'm looking forward to the day we will be again!
*he's been sleeping one long stretch at nights
*he likes his car seat
*he's not a spitter like Hadley was
*he LOVES Hadley, he will just sit there and watch her play or smile at her
*he makes the cutest sounds when he's "talking" to us
*loves his daddy
*poops every time we sit down for church
*loves bath time
*loves to be held, he's a little more "needy" than Hadley was as a baby but we are loving it.

Hadley 3 yrs and 9 months:
weighs 37lbs
almost 42 inches

*she is being the best little helper lately. She loves helping with dinner and dishes.
*loves saying prayers. Our prayer tonight was "bless our dinner. Heavenly Father, well....... Grayson cries all the time. Amen"
*loves baths, horses, dinosaurs, soccer, her friends, bambi, school.
She makes me laugh daily and has the best little imagination ever.
Things I need to remember:
* our porker weighs 11lbs 5 oz
*he started smiling on March 4th
*he was blessed on March 6th
*he always has to be sucking on something, hand, binky or whatever! I refuse to let him be a thumb sucker! good thing when he sucks on his cute little hand he tucks his thumb in and never gets it in his mouth
*the kid would eat all day if I let him and would drink anything. (he didn't poop for almost a week, so we gave him some apple juice. I kept waiting for him to make faces because it was cold and not milk, well it didn't phase him. He loved it)
*he is still not on a schedule and I'm looking forward to the day we will be again!
*he's been sleeping one long stretch at nights
*he likes his car seat
*he's not a spitter like Hadley was
*he LOVES Hadley, he will just sit there and watch her play or smile at her
*he makes the cutest sounds when he's "talking" to us
*loves his daddy
*poops every time we sit down for church
*loves bath time
*loves to be held, he's a little more "needy" than Hadley was as a baby but we are loving it.
Hadley 3 yrs and 9 months:
weighs 37lbs
almost 42 inches
*she is being the best little helper lately. She loves helping with dinner and dishes.
*loves saying prayers. Our prayer tonight was "bless our dinner. Heavenly Father, well....... Grayson cries all the time. Amen"
*loves baths, horses, dinosaurs, soccer, her friends, bambi, school.
She makes me laugh daily and has the best little imagination ever.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Grandma and Grandpa Great!
{ February 11th }
I have the best grandparents in the world and have been so excited for them to meet my little Grayson. We had a little scare with my grandma so I thought I better get my butt up there to make this introduction. The kids did great on our first road trip with Grayson and no daddy!
Meeting Kade and Sydney
Grandma Pope

Grandpa Pope
Cousin Taylee
Hanging out with Grandpa Pris

I have the best grandparents in the world and have been so excited for them to meet my little Grayson. We had a little scare with my grandma so I thought I better get my butt up there to make this introduction. The kids did great on our first road trip with Grayson and no daddy!
Meeting Kade and Sydney
Saturday, March 12, 2011
My Hadley!
Oh Hadley, where do I start?
This girl makes me smile, laugh, happy, crazy and she sure makes me mad!
This age is fun, exhausting and emotionally draining me lately. We are in the sensitive, competitive and gets embarrassed easy phase.
Funny and sweet things to remember though:
She was being so naughty while I was nursing Grayson and I asked her why she was so mad and her response, "I just want long hair like Rapunzel and my hair is just too short."
Her prayer the other night, "Heavenly Father, grateful for this day. Grateful mommy can pump to make Grayson happy. Amen."
While I was reading our Easy to Read Book of Mormon to her she tells me that the Holy Ghost protects us. I asked her who she heard this from and she said her primary teachers. She says the Holy Ghost says watch out you don't want to trip!
She then asked me why Jesus doesn't go to church.
She was naughty at preschool and cried most of the time, when I picked her up she said, "mommy I just missed you so much so I cried at school today."
And then later that day she told me she cried at school because she just hates the letter Q.
Oh I hope I make it past this stage! Mommies, if have some good advice I need it!
She is obsessed with her scooter and we've been taking advantage of this great weather before it gets to hot by going on some fun scooter rides!
Friday, March 11, 2011
Aunt Cailtin
{ Feb 2-6 }
We had such a fun visit from Aunt Caitlin! She came down to help out after I had Grayson. She was soo helpful that I kept offering for her to move in. We had a lot of fun cooking, shopping, playing games (I made her and Brandon play every night since there was more than just us two) and going out to dinner. We even had time for the two of us to go have lunch and get pedicures. It was fun having girl time and hanging out, wish we could do this more!
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