10 Months! and is now bigger than his moose!
These are a little blurry because this kid does not hold still for a min!
These are a little blurry because this kid does not hold still for a min!
This month:
* loves to explore and checking out new things
*just give him a box of stuff for him to empty and he is happy. Box of toys or my make-up bag
*loves climbing into the dishwasher, taking the utensils out, licks them and then throws them on the floor and grabs a new one (don't worry I clean them again!)
*loves food, he ate one of Had's chicken nuggets and loved it.
*starting throwing tantrums. He will throw his head back and fall then rolls on his belly and puts his head in the carpet and just kicks his legs. Its kinda funny but after a few more times it won't be:)
*he plays with my hair when I'm walking around just holding him.
*when you feed him at night he'll just reach up and rub your face.
*the last 2 weeks he's finally crawling "normal". No more army crawl.
He is so dang sweet and puts up with a lot from his sister. We love him so much and I can't believe I will be planning his first birthday so soon. Where did this year go?!