Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Ryland Clark

On Tues 10/2 I had my 39 week appointment.  This is the longest I've been pregnant so I was going a little crazy!!  Usually by 36 weeks I'm to a 3 or a 4 and with this one I didn't start dilating until 38 weeks and I was barely a 2!  

I got to my appt at 11 and she said we were going to have this baby today.  I was thrilled!  She stripped my membranes (which hurts oh so bad!) and said I was to a 4 and having a few contractions.  So she said to muster up some tears and head to the hospital and when they call her she'll tell them to keep me.  She said she'd come break my water around dinner time.  I was so excited and so nervous.  Brandon was in court so I called my mom and told her she better come.  She'd been packed for a week waiting for me to tell her this!  I picked up Grayson and took him home to feed him and put him down for a nap.  My friend who had Hadley met me at home to take both kids. Brandon got home we grabbed a few things and left!  

We got to the hospital at 1 and I was nervous they'd send me home since I wasn't dying of pain!  It worked out great because my doctor called so they had the room ready and were expecting me.  They got me hooked up to everything and we just waited.  They had just changed computer systems or something so my nurse was to busy with that.  She wasn't the warm and fuzzy nurse I like or have had in the past so it kinda made me more nervous because I felt like we bugged her the whole time.

At 2pm my doctor sent someone over to break my water.  They tell you this doesn't hurt, they lie!  It was by far the worst pain I felt through this whole thing!  It probably didn't help she tried to break it with her fingers first and that failed. My contractions were getting so bad.  I was dilated to a 5 and we were still waiting to get an epidural. 

At 2:15pm the anesthesiologist came in. 

At 2:30pm my mom arrived!!!
I was still in a lot of pain.  My epidural was only working on my right side.  So they moved me to my left side and after a min they hurried and got me back to my right side, threw on the oxygen mask and a lot more nurses came in. I couldn't see all of them or hear them with the mask on, but after I learned that things got scary for a few min.  The baby's heart rate dropped so much and Brandon and my mom said it made them both nervous listening to the nurses until one of them said things were ok again and then they left.  

At 2:50 ish I was finally feeling numb all over and not so nervous I'd be feeling everything!  

At 3 they checked me and I was complete!  They called my Dr.  

At 3:10 My doctor arrived.  We were doing a practice push and then she said keep going!  After 3 pushes he was here!!  It was amazing and went so fast.

Ryland Clark
7lbs 1 oz
20 inches

 The kids were so cute and so excited to meet their new baby brother.  Grayson couldn't get enough and kept holding out his hands saying, "baby." 



He was born with a club foot.  I was so nervous to touch it for the first few days, I was scared I was hurting him.  It didn't bother him though. 

My mom brought Grayson over and Hadley got dropped off after school.  The baby gave them their presents!  

Around 1 we left!  I hate staying in the hospital so we leave as soon as we can!  We had to take the birth certificate paper home because we couldn't agree to a name!!   

After 2 days we finally agreed on the name Ryland. 

Thursday, September 13, 2012


Hadley's first day of Kindergarten
Aug 27, 2012
with Mrs. Stemp

We made it through with no tears from either of us! 

After her first day we celebrated at McDonald's. 

When she came home I asked her what she learned and her reply: "You can only take 1 pump of soap in the bathroom."  She said she couldn't remember anything else!

We love her teacher! 

Brandon had a harder time with it on the actual first day than I did, serves him right for making fun of me every time I got sad thinking about it weeks before!

She's been so excited all summer long.

I started to kinda get freaked out the closer it got, it's just to official!  But it's been great getting back into a routine and having something for her to do.  She's been kinda acting out a lot more and I think she was just getting bored so school has been nice!!

Grayson gets so sad every morning when she leaves and asks "wheres yadley" every ten minutes!  He loves when we go get her. 

Saturday, September 08, 2012

San Diego

{ August 3-5 }

Last month, spur of the moment we decided to surprise the kids and go to San Diego for the weekend.  It was so fun, I love surprises and so does Hadley so it was great!  We've been wanting to go for quite some time and with Hadley starting school and having a new baby we new our time was winding down.  We seriously decided Thurs, booked it and left Fri morning and came home Sunday.

We ended up staying in Carlsbad and after checking into the motel we headed for the beach!  It was a colder than we'd like but still fun.  Hadley was the brave one who kept getting in even though she was freezing.  Grayson who is a daredevil was freaked out by the ocean, so he just chilled with me in a towel and ate all our snacks.

This kid was hilarious at bedtime.  He would not go to sleep.  His little head would pop up and he'd say, " I want cookie."  Or you'd see him pop up and smile at ya and when we'd tell him to lay back down he'd fall down.  He would try and climb out and just fall back in and laugh.  Next time we are leaving him home!  I don't know how anyone shares a room or bed with their kids, I could barley handle 2 nights with him!  


We got up and left for Sea World!  The kids loved it and were so good during the shows we saw.  Sea World has changed a lot since I've been there last.  It was weird not seeing any trainers swimming with Shamu and a lot of the shows are more music and cir de soleil style. 

Hadley's favorite: 
the penguins, the flamingos and the spinning ride she rode with her dad.

Grayson's favorite:
the fish!