Grayson turned 1!! This was the fastest year of my life, I swear!
Here is a picture of every month. The last pic he's wearing one of his newborn outfits. I thought I had a pic of him in it when he was little but I can't find it.
Here is a picture of every month. The last pic he's wearing one of his newborn outfits. I thought I had a pic of him in it when he was little but I can't find it.

His 1 year old stats:
weight 21.5 lbs / 50%
height 30.5 inches / 75%
head 18 inches / 39 %
(At his appointment, he walked along the furniture to get to the Dr. and just laid his head on her lap while she talked to me. It was so sweet.)
Things to remember about this last month:
-he got his 2 top teeth
-he stands for about a min but won't try and take steps
-says: ball, uh-oh, car, dog, go, hi, mamma, dadda, and he said pappa twice but hasn't said it again!
-loves music and bounces up and down to it
-is finally letting me read to him
-is a little lover, he will crawl up to you and lay his head on you or give kisses
-has to do whatever we are doing or especially Hadley. If she climbs up on something, he wants to. If she eats or drinks something, he wants some. etc.
-likes coke. I hate this fact! Hadley wouldn't touch the stuff til she was 2. He is so fast and grabbed our straw and took a sip and didn't flinch. Loved it!
-can go up and down stairs great now. loves to play in the loft.
-always carries a ball around the house or has something in his hand.
-won't eat baby food unless its fruit. He wants the real stuff now!

We decided to go to St. George and have a small little party. My grandparents came, my aunt and uncle, my friend Ri and Brittany. My unlce Jule who lives in Atlanta was in town for a few days so him and my cousin Justin stopped by for a min too. It was fun!
For Christmas, Grayson's buddies Nate and Ryan gave him an Elmo. He loves it and sleeps with it so we thought he'd love an Elmo party. It might be a tradition for first birthdays because Hadley had an elmo party as well. My mom, Hadley and I made the cake and cupcakes. We made his elmo cake with 2 round cakes and he ate half of it! He would've kept going but we were getting sick watching so we pulled him away!
On his actual birthday we met up with Lindsay, Nate and Ryan for some lunch. He had a good day if I do say so myself. Nate and Ryan spoiled him and then his daddy brought him home a birthday cupcake.