{Jan 16th}
Happy birthday Grayson!!!
Height: 35 in / 65%
Weight: 27.8 lbs / 60 %
(at his appt. he had to get shots and he got nervous and was on the verge of tears but then when I picked him up he said, "dat tickled.")
I'm loving having a 2 year old again! I forget how much fun this age really is. I love that he talks so good now, and is constantly making us laugh. And even though he can be so dang naughty it is still worth it. He has the cutest little voice and makes the funniest facial expressions, I seriously love this little guy of mine!
Things to remember:
-he loves his sister! He will go get a snack and he always gets her one first!
-can't get enough of Ryland. He will get in his face and talk baby talk to him and make him smile. he loves to hold him and hug on him.
-he will let anyone else get him out of his crib but Hadley. He falls down so she can't reach him.
-loves playing playdough so he can make 'cookies'
-he calls me "mommy-io". Don't know why or where he got it. It makes me laugh when he's in trouble and says, "sorry mommy-io." He'll add that to dad's name as well.
-very picky eater now! Unless it's treats or "nacks" as he calls them.
-loves climbing up my pantry
-loves watching Toy Story 3 andWild Kratts.
-He is soooo afraid of dogs and most animals!
-he asks for the park and chuck e cheese on a daily basis.
His buddies Janna and Claire surprised him with balloons which started his day off great! He was so excited all day long when we'd tell him 'happy birthday'.

Birthday tradition: cupcake from dad. Of course he goes right for the pink one with sparkles!
{ Jan 19th }
Party time!!
My parents, Kason and Nakelle came down to party with us and we invited the few friends he has for cake and ice cream!
We got him a balance bike and we were so excited but when he tried it out he was a little short for it! So we took it back and headed to Wal-Mart to find him a new one.
We kept going back and forth on a Mickey Mouse or 'big truck' party. The big trucks won!
My mom and grandma would always make our birthday cakes growing up. It's been a fun tradition to do with my kids. It's the one time a year I make a cute cake! Thank you to Whitney, my cake mentor! I loved how his cake turned out!
Nate and Ryan gave Grayson these cute boy-dress ups!
Superman: Ryan, Robin: Luke, Batman: Grayson
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