Wednesday, April 24, 2013

 Ryland 6 months!

Weight: 14.5 lbs - 18%
Height: 27.25 in. - 73 %
Head 17.25 in. - 63%

 Things to remember:
He only wears his shoes and bar at bedtime!
He's founds his toes.
He gets scared easy with loud sounds or crazy kids.
He is cautious with new people and is starting to want mom or dad.
He'll reach up and play with my hair when I rock him or feed him.
He can roll from his belly to his back now!
He is a sitter! I love it, he's not moving so it's the best stage ever.  He'll just sit and play!
He tries to spit and makes spitting sounds. (It is cute now!)
He takes baths in the normal bath now.
Loves being outside.
Finally on a schedule during the day, two naps.
He's had a cold so his sleeping has been horrible lately.
He puts his binky in upside down and will just suck on it that way forever!

1 comment:

Unknown said...