Monday, July 01, 2013


 Ryland 8 months:

This is getting more and more depressing!  I wish he could stay this way forever! 

-starting to crawl.  He gets in the position and then does this little hop thing and falls on his belly!
-he loves puffs, yogurt and any baby food with no chunks!
-he tries to pull himself up so he can stand
-he's so smiley! Opposite of Grayson when he was this age! Ryland will smile at anyone. 
-he has the sweetest personality.  He's just calm and loving, I can't really explain it other than that!
-loves his binky! 
-still wakes up once or twice.  It's killing us, but I'm a big softy this go around and can't bring myself to let him cry it out.  I blame his club foot and the fact that he's just so cute and little!
-so content outside!
-no teeth still.

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