I'm hoping that this year will turn out to be a good one for me. So far it's been pretty rough. Law school is not fun. I don't care which law student or lawyer you talk to, if they tell you that law school is fun, they are liars. But it is pretty rewarding... as long as you can get a job after you graduate.
Other than law school, my wife and I just found out that we're going to have a baby. I guess that won't really affect this year as much as it will affect next year for me. This has already changed the way I'm looking at things. I was planning on buying a nice computer next year, since I've had mine for about 3 years now and it's getting a bit outdated. However, I think I might have to put that money towards a new camcorder and other various items to prepare for the kid. I am hoping for a boy, since Kiley hates baseball. That way I'll have somebody to watch the games with me.

Speaking of baseball, my St. Louis Cardinals are in the World Series and just won a game last night to put them up 2-1 in the series over the Detroit Tigers. This might not be important news to most of you, but it's a bit step for me. As a long-time University of Utah fan and Utah Jazz fan, I have never seen one of my teams win it all. I know the U of U football team won the Fiesta bowl a few years ago, but that wasn't quite a National Championship, and the Jazz have only reached the NBA finals a couple of times but got beat by the Bulls on both occasions. So this is big news for me.
In other news, I'm really hoping to get a job at a law firm for next summer. It's quite a competitive process and some of the big law firms will pay up to about $2500 per week here in Las Vegas. I interviewed with a couple firms and I'm not too positive I'll get either position, but it would be a dream come true if I did. That would sure take some of the financial pressure off. The important thing about getting a job at a good firm for next summer is that most firms make offers to their summer associates to come back and work after graduation. That would be the ideal way for me to start out my career as an attorney.
I know this has been a pretty long post, but it's been a while since many of you have heard from me, so this should catch you up on everything. That is all for now...
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