Thursday, October 23, 2008
Pumpkin Patch
My cute mom came down last week to pay us a visit. So we decided to go to a pumpkin patch. Call me cheap, but I'm not paying $25 for a dang pumpkin patch. I'll make my own. So on our way home we saw a mini pumpkin patch on some corner. You know the dinky rides that I swear are ran by inmates and go up in different parking lots a few times a year, that is what we found! They had a ton of pumpkins as you pulled up so we thought what the heck. All we really want is some pictures, so this will do! I'm so glad we didn't pay the $25 because all Haddy wanted to do was sit on different pumpkins, call them "balls", throw them, and put hay in her mouth. It was fun anyways.

Monday, October 20, 2008
RoDeO TiMe!
These pictures are a little late, but I finally got them from my mom. Last month we went up to St. George for the rodeo! Its a family tradition we do every September with my Grandpa and Grandma. Its so fun. Hadley actually did great and loved looking at all the animals and eating tons of treats. I don't think she has the cowboy blood in her, cause she HATES her boots.

Here is my cute grandpa.

This is the whole clan that went this year.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
I just had to post this cause I think its so funny. I put Hadley in her crib for a nap and I thought she was asleep. But as soon as Brandon came home I think she heard his voice and she starting yelling, "Help, help."
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
I Owned the Nevada Bar Exam!
Well, I found out the good news today that I passed the Nevada Bar Exam! I've never been so relieved in my life! I counted down the hours until 3:00 p.m. today when they post the results on the Nevada Bar website. I had a sick feeling in my stomach all day long. Luckily one of my friends up in Reno obtained a "leaked" list about an hour early and he let me know that I passed. So from now on, I expect all of you to call me either Brandon McDonald, Esq., or Counsel McDonald. For those of you who still don't believe me, I've included a screen shot of the list:
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
You know those days you pray for patience, then Heavenly Father answers and gives you "oppurtunities" to grow?! Well that was my whole day Friday with Hadley! I guess I failed because I feel like whatever patience I have is officially gone.
This picture is my favorite. Once again, she has always traveled well and I'm sad to say its gone! This was the final straw of my patience! She screamed and I mean screamed for 45 min on our drive up to Utah. She threw her binky, blanket, favorite stuffed animal and kicked down our dvd player. (I promise she's not always a little stinker.) So of course when we get into St. George she decides to give in and fall asleep. But even in her sleep she was still so mad!

Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Bath buddies and our Move!
Last month our friends Riley and Crew came to visit for the weekend! We had a ton of fun shopping and eating! These two are little buddies. I know this picture is wrong on so many levels but they're still young and innocent.

We finally moved into our home! After our closing date got moved three times. Thank you to our friends and family who came to help! I had to post these pictures of these strong men moving my elliptical machine down our crazy narrow stairs that we're glad we don't have anymore. I should've taken pictures of the chunk of wall they took out or made a video of the words they used as they moved it. (They weren't bad words, so settle down) But at least I didn't have to help move it!

I don't know why this turns upside down when I post it on the blog. Its not upside down in our pictures.

We finally moved into our home! After our closing date got moved three times. Thank you to our friends and family who came to help! I had to post these pictures of these strong men moving my elliptical machine down our crazy narrow stairs that we're glad we don't have anymore. I should've taken pictures of the chunk of wall they took out or made a video of the words they used as they moved it. (They weren't bad words, so settle down) But at least I didn't have to help move it!
Please ignore the dust. But on a sad note our entertainment center after fours years of entertaining us collapsed right after this picture. It was the first piece of furniture we bought after we got married. We were in luck we got it on sale for like $70. Dang fake wood, after every move it would tilt more and more. On a happy note, it has already been replaced and we are very happy about it!

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