Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Bath buddies and our Move!

Last month our friends Riley and Crew came to visit for the weekend! We had a ton of fun shopping and eating! These two are little buddies. I know this picture is wrong on so many levels but they're still young and innocent.

We finally moved into our home! After our closing date got moved three times. Thank you to our friends and family who came to help! I had to post these pictures of these strong men moving my elliptical machine down our crazy narrow stairs that we're glad we don't have anymore. I should've taken pictures of the chunk of wall they took out or made a video of the words they used as they moved it. (They weren't bad words, so settle down) But at least I didn't have to help move it!

I don't know why this turns upside down when I post it on the blog. Its not upside down in our pictures.

Please ignore the dust. But on a sad note our entertainment center after fours years of entertaining us collapsed right after this picture. It was the first piece of furniture we bought after we got married. We were in luck we got it on sale for like $70. Dang fake wood, after every move it would tilt more and more. On a happy note, it has already been replaced and we are very happy about it!


Shelise said...

I hope your post pictures of your house. Im so excited to see the inside.

Rissa and Jared said...

Your house looked great! i'm home by myself this weekend so if you need help with anything, lemme know.

Crouch6 said...

The entertainment center didn't make it! What did you get?

Rapunzel said...

Oh they will hate us for that.. but our parents did it to us:) That entertainment center is sad.. I know you really karate chopped it when Brandon wasn't looking

Lindsay Griffeth said...

Your new house is really coming together. Can't wait for it to cool off so we can actually go on a few walks with the kiddos!

Lesley said...

Too bad you don't have Hef around. He gorilla glued my fake wood bookshelf at school and it will be around till the end of time. Congrats on the new home!

Erin said...

That reminds me of my entertainment center... but I hope it dies with our next move. Then I will feel okay about buying a new one! I'm soooooooo glad everything worked out with your house, can't wait to come visit!!!

Kim said...

I am glad you are all moved in. It always takes a while to get settled in! I am sure you are loving having your own home, it is the BEST feeling!! You will have so much fun decorating Hadley's room. Call when you have a minute to catch up, I would love to say hello. Love and miss you tons!!

familyof4 said...

I'm excited for you to post some pics of the inside! It was fun talking with you this afternoon! We're excited to see you Wednesday!

Anonymous said...

Yea! You finally got moved, I am so excited for you. I am not jealous of having to move though, I hated it!

Amy Miller said...

YAHOO!!! You are moved and settled. That is the greatest feeling ever. I am SOOO excited to come see you Thursday night. I owe you BIG time for taking me to the airport so early Friday morning. You're the best cousin EVER!! :) Can't wait to see you!!

Staci said...

The house looks amazing!! It's so fun to see how you've grown since little ol slick rock days:) Thank you for your sweet words! and congrats to you as well!! A new house is the best!! It's so good to hear from you!

The Foisy's said...

Helloooo girlie! Fun for you! K, we both live in Vegas now, we need to get together! What part are you in? By the way your house is totally a vegas house! I know how you feel about the dates being moved. We are building a house and our completion date has been moved three times. Third times a charm I guess. We're supposed to move next month. I'm crossing my fingers!