Sunday, February 01, 2009


Hadley loves shoes lately. She was pretty proud of herself for getting dad's and actually being able to walk in them.

Hadley and Nate started a tumbling class. It is the best entertainment ever! For parents and the kids. My camera died right after I took this one so more pictures will come later.

This girl is a climber! She climbs on everything. I don't know where this kid get this from, But she is obsessed with tables. She climbs up any table and dances, slides back and forth on her belly and does all sorts of tricks. This is what usually gets her in time out! I'll be out of the room for 1 minute and come back in and she is jumping up and down on the table.

When she hears Brandon open the garage when he comes home from work, she immediately runs to the door and goes out in the garage. Tip: Stick with the round door nobs. She can open all of our doors. So on this night, she ran out and instead of wanting daddy she wanted to play in the car. You can see the car from our kitchen table so we just propped open the door and left her in there while we ate. It was a nice peaceful dinner.


The Richards Family said...

She is getting so big and so cute! I don't know what the deal with shoes and cars are????

Another Blog... said...

Watch out Vegas! Here comes Candy--I mean Hadley! Table dancing... what are you guys teaching her?? ha ha... she's so dang cute!!

Rapunzel said...

So that's what they are teaching her in tumbling:) She's so big!!

Britney said...

oh the joys of having a toddler.

Crazy Lifferths said...

She is soooo cute Ki! I want to see her so bad! Those doorknobs are the WORST! They look so much cuter then the round ones, but no child proof things will work on them either!

Staci said...

those are expensive habits!! oh boy!! i love that she played in the car while you had dinner! awesome! she looks just just like her mom!!

Jon, Janice, Kaylee, & Regan said...

She is too cute! Love the daddy shoe picture.

Blaire, Steve and Tater said...

Hey! how are you? your daughter is so cute. Looks just like you. I am glad to see your doing good!

SaRa DaWn said...

kiley kiley..your baby girl is adorable and i guess not so much a baby anymore, huh!? I love and miss you so much! We need to get together soon!

Britt and Rick said...

She looks so old to me, it's crazy! She is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

When I am unloading groceries, the car is the best babysitter. Josie loves to dance on the table too, I often wonder if it will lead to a job in Vegas??!!! She is adorable!

Brittany Barnes said...

You have such a beautiful girl! Maybe its a good thing we don't live too close....Bridger has been into anything and everything lately. He loves to open doors too. I miss you sweet lady! Love ya!

Heidi Rowe said...

She is so cute!
I can't believe how big she is,I didn't think it had been that long. Hope Vegas is treating you well.

anniebobannie said...

She is adorable and getting SOOO big!

erica said...

oh my...she is so cute! that last picture looks just like you! haha, love the table dancing. what an entertainer!

The Foisy's said...

Wholly molly, I have been meaning to call you! Yes we need to get together! K, Hadley looks just like you! She is a doll! I will call you soon or call me!435-668-4551

Maren said...

Kiley! You have such a cute fam :) Hope you are doing well!