Monday, July 06, 2009


Warning: There are a ton of pictures! My collage wouldn't work.

Hadley and I went with my parents, grandparents and aunt Kathy to Atlanta to visit our cousins the Kreylings. My cousin Kim had a baby in April so my parents were taking my grandparents to visit and so we tagged along! It was a lot of fun!! I was so nervous for our flight with Haddie, I didn't know how she'd do. Delta screwed up our seats so none of us sat by each other so that made things even better! Luckily Had was great but fell asleep when we landed and taxied in.

We stayed up every night playing Yahtzee, our family favorite. My grandma kicked our buts and set a record.

Kim, baby Davis and haddie

Haddie and Papa playing in Kim's backyard. Why can't Vegas have big yards?!
Enjoying Kim's pool. Hadley showing off her swimming skills.

Davis is the best cuddler ever!! This was me on babysitting duty, I have no clue where my child is..

Hadley loves My aunt Koni's dog Wally. She loved walking him every night with them! And she loved climbing in his cage.

We went to Stone mountain and watched the laser show and fireworks.

While we were there they had Davis's blessing. It was really special. Here is Kim, Lance and Davis. Who by the way is the best baby!

Hadley thinks any coffee table or fireplace is her stage and she'll just sing and dance. Its pretty funny.
We went to the Aquarium. I love that place!! And Hadley was in heaven! She kept yelling "Nemo!"

Grandma and Grandpa spoil her and got her, her own Nemo.
Our family favorite: the Varsity!!
Saying our Goodbye's. Thanks Kreylings and Cones for entertaining us and letting us take over your houses! We had so much fun, wish we could lived closer so we could see each other more!!


Jon, Janice, Kaylee, & Regan said...

Looks like you had tons of fun! It's so nice that you were able go go to Davis' blessing.

Kim said...

I love all the pictures. I miss you guys so much! I am so glad you were able to come. I need to get all those pictures on my blog. That is my job today. We are at the beach and it has rained for two whole days!!

Andrus Family said...

Looks like a ton of fun! I've always wanted to go to Atlanta. I even requested to go there on my honeymoon, which didn't happen, but I'm not 100% sure why. Hope you're having a good summer!

Rissa and Jared said...

i'm dying to spend more time in atlanta (and the South in general). looks like you had fun!

McKinna said...

WAY cute pics Kiley! Looks like a fun trip! Love the babysitting duty one.... lol!!

Holley and Brandon said...

Ki I miss you! I love all the pictures, you look so skinny in all of them, I'm jealous. And from what I can see of it, I LOVE your orange swimsuit. And you were right, it is orange, not salmon! :)

Rapunzel said...

I'm not gonna lie... the pole Hadley is standing by looks like my stripper pole! bahaha I LOVE your hair. It is so cute!!

Lesley said...

Love it! That house is amazing! I like the one of your mama and Hads sharing ice cream? I can't remember now but it was cute!

Brittany Barnes said...

I am glad you had fun in Atlanta. Has this much time really gone by that it's been that long since I was down there......WEIRD! Our life is too hectic. We are living out of stinkin boxes and waiting to close on our house. Plus we are supposed to be in Flaming Gorge this week, but keep getting told TOMORROW for closing. LAME!

Heidi Rowe said...

So much fun! Don't you just love summer vacations.