Oh Hadley, where do I start?
This girl makes me smile, laugh, happy, crazy and she sure makes me mad!
This age is fun, exhausting and emotionally draining me lately. We are in the sensitive, competitive and gets embarrassed easy phase.
Funny and sweet things to remember though:
She was being so naughty while I was nursing Grayson and I asked her why she was so mad and her response, "I just want long hair like Rapunzel and my hair is just too short."
Her prayer the other night, "Heavenly Father, grateful for this day. Grateful mommy can pump to make Grayson happy. Amen."
While I was reading our Easy to Read Book of Mormon to her she tells me that the Holy Ghost protects us. I asked her who she heard this from and she said her primary teachers. She says the Holy Ghost says watch out you don't want to trip!
She then asked me why Jesus doesn't go to church.
She was naughty at preschool and cried most of the time, when I picked her up she said, "mommy I just missed you so much so I cried at school today."
And then later that day she told me she cried at school because she just hates the letter Q.
Oh I hope I make it past this stage! Mommies, if have some good advice I need it!
She is obsessed with her scooter and we've been taking advantage of this great weather before it gets to hot by going on some fun scooter rides!
Oh my gosh! She's getting so big...and so funny! Sure do miss you guys! My mom says you're coming up for Avery's blessing - can't wait to see you then!
Oh, we love Had. If anyone gives you good advice, please pass it along because I'm in survival mode, too!
Hahaha she's hillarious. I still like her comment tonight... she's gonna be a kangaroo when she grows up. Love her.
I love reading Hadley stories.....I cannot stop laughing. She is so cute! I wish you guys were closer so I could see that little miss in person. Love You!
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