Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Ryland 12 months

This little dude turned 1!  

Mommy was a slacker and didn't make a cake but daddy pulled through with his tradition of bringing home cupcakes on our kid's birthdays.  We had a little family party and took him to dinner and then to ride the carousel but the carousel was gone.  We left with 3 crying kids!  We came home ate cupcakes and gave him his presents!  

Ryland 12 months:
weight: 20 lbs 29%
height: 30.25inches  67%

He has the funniest little personality! 
He is so lovey.  When I pick him up he lays his head on my shoulder.  It melts my heart every time!
He loves to give kisses.
He has his 3 bottom teeth. 
 He sleeps all night.
He loves his mamma and cries when left with other people.
Loves to be outside. 

1 comment:

ركن كلين said...

شركه مكافحه حشرات و رش مبيدات
شركة مكافحة حشرات بالرياض الحشرات تسبب العديد من المشاكل الازعاج نحنو نسعى على حل هذه المشكله
مع شركة رش مبيدات بالرياض نقضى على الحشرات تماما من خلل المكافحه عن طريق داخل البيت
وحقن الاماكن التى توجد بها الحشرات ؟ رش المطابخ يتم بواسطة ( الإبر الألمانية ) و هي عبارة عن سائل جل يوضع في سفوح الأدراج و الأبواب و بلا رائحه