Hadley loves Finding Nemo and she loves "fishies" so I took her first to the Bass Pro Shop to see the big aquarium in the Silverton. As we were on our way I said, "Do you want to go see the fishies?" And she replied "Go to fishies' house!" Here's a couple pictures of Hadley looking at the aquarium. (I didn't have my camera with me so I took all these pics with my cell phone camera, which explains the poor quality).

I wish the Silverton would move the bar away from the aquarium. There's always tons of kids hanging around the aquarium and the people at the bar don't seem to care that their cigarette smoke lingers over so everybody at the aquarium can inhale it with them.
The problem with taking kids to see something they love is that they never want to leave. Luckily Hadley loves castles as much as she loves fish. So after dragging her out of the Bass Pro Shop I took her to the Excalibur to see a "real" castle. We parked on top of the parking garage where we could see the castle really well. She loved it.
She didn't want to leave there either. As I tried to put her back in the car she freaked out and kicked her shoes off, so I put her down and let her run around the top of the parking garage in her bare feet. Normally I wouldn't let her do that, but since it was her date, I figured I'd let her do whatever she wanted.
Finally I was able to bribe her to get into the car with promises of a green Slurpee. What date would be complete without treats from 7-Eleven? After running around the Excalibur parking lot, Hadley's feet were pretty dirty. This picture makes her feet look huge:
Overall I'd say it was an excellent date. Plus it only cost me$2.57.
Kiley wanted me to add that I also got Hadley ready for church Sunday morning by painting her toenails and doing her hair. I'd say that I did a good job, except apparently I put her dress on backwards. Fortunately nobody noticed but Kiley. Who puts buttons on the front of a dress? Come on! The best part of Sunday morning while I was getting Hadley ready was when she looked at me and said "Daddy cute." I love my baby.