Monday, October 18, 2010

Girl time!

This trip has been in the works for a while! Lindsay and I were talking about running away for her birthday back in June and making an Ikea trip out of it as well. Getting pregnant definitely threw off our plans and plus summer is just busy anyways. So it finally worked out for us to get the heck out of dodge!

Two of our friends moved back to Utah so it was so fun to see them and catch up without our kids! Thanks Leslie for letting us crash at your place! Its been way to long since I've seen you guys! And Nancee, thanks for taking time out of your weekend to come spend the day with us! We miss you guys so much!

Here we are at Ikea with our 4 carts!!! 5 hours at Ikea = Kankles for me!


Lindsay Griffeth said...

It really was great. Can't wait until SLC girls trip 2011!

Andrus Family said...

YES, this better be an annual thing - I miss you guys already!! I had so much fun and I'm glad you guys stayed with me! Good food, good shopping, and good friends - can't beat that! Can't wait to see pics of your stuff put together. :)

Our Little Family said...

Way fun! when did you go? I've been in Utah since Oct. 5th with my sister and her 5 kids! Sad I missed you!!