Friday, March 07, 2008


I know I can't complain to much about Hadley's sleeping. She's slept 8-9 hours a night since 4 months. (unless she got sick or we were out of town) But now she is 9 months and we're done getting up at 5:00 a.m. to feed her. So, I need some advice! I've tried the crying out thing and its not really working. We let her cry for over an hour today and it just wakes her up more and more. So we've been up since 6:30. Well her and Brandon have! PLEASE HELP US!!


Crazy Lifferths said...

How long have you been trying the crying it out thing? It can take some time, she will stop waking herself us eventually. Some kids respond faster to it and other don't. The first time we let Austin cry it out I think it was about 2 and a half hours or so. It is terrible to think about and hear as a parent, but it works. Austin was still getting up a ton at night though, even at 8 months! Call me, we can chat! Miss you! I am going to be in Cedar the 18th-21st!

Lindsay Griffeth said...

The crying it out thing is all I know of. I've heard it will take up to a few weeks....and an hour isn't too bad. But I totally hear what you are saying. Crying only makes it worse for's like he can't calm himself down. I swear he'd cry for 10 hours if I let him!

I'm of no help since I'm in the same boat as you. Let me know if anything works!

Shelise said...

Hudson sleeps for 12 hours straight now. But believe me he didnt always and he has only been doing it for a couple of months. I would do our nightly routine and then put him in his crib. When he started crying I waited five minutes. Then I would go in and give him his pacifire and rub his belly and softly say I loved him and its alright. id stay for only a minute or less. Then even if he was still crying i would leave. If he kept crying i would wait seven minutes and then do the same thing. Then if he was still crying id do ten minutes and from then on it would be ten minutes and eventually he would fall asleep. I personally couldnt just leave him in there to cry but I needed him to know I wasnt going to pick him up and that is WAS bedtime. Even in the middle of the night I would do it. It took him about a week before he got it down. Now I lay him down for naps and bedtime and he doesnt even cry. It amazing. Good luck. Hopefully that made sense. If not call me and i'll explain it better. (by the way. He never got to ten minutes. He always fell asleep before the ten minute one.)

Karley said...

Hi Ki- it's Kar! Good luck with the whole sleeping thing. Austin is 17 months and she still doesn't sleep through the night consecutively! It is awesome birth control. Some friends of ours said to get ear plugs so Brandon came home with a whole bunch. I still can't get myself to wear them. if you find somethung that works for youlet me know. Our blog is