Wednesday, March 26, 2008

$1.48 and I'm staying in the States?

My brother Kason got his mission call tonight!! He's going to Rapid City, South Dakota baby!!! I've been so excited and proud until he said he leaves June 4th! Now its too real to me. Just Kidding, we're still excited!
Kason's 8 friends who have already left for their missions received their calls in envelopes with postage of $1.38 and they all stayed in the States. The ones with $1.48 have been out of the Country. Its been 8 for 8. Well not today folks! The big guys at the church headquarters caught on!
For those of you who don't know my brother, he is amazing! He has the best personality and lights up the room when he walks in! He is so smart, funny, determined, hard working and thoughtful! He is going to make a great missionary. I was hoping he'd come to the great State of Nevada but I guess not!


Shelley Eggett said...

Hey Kiley - It's Shelley Eggett (Brandon's Cousin) Your Blog is so fun, and Hadley is as sweet as ever. I'm going to add your link to my blog if that's o.k.?

E-mail me your e-mail address, I'm making my blog private soon, so I'll send you an invite. My e-mail is:

Crazy Lifferths said...

That is awesome! I am so excited for him. Your hair looks SUPER cute in the pic!

Lindsay Griffeth said...

That's exciting! You look great in that picture.

Holley and Brandon said...

Yay Kayson!! Brandon and I are so excited for him! And you look really skinny in that picture- you are hot!

Kiley said...

Thanks guys but unfortunately that pic was way before Hadley came! Its the only picture I have of Kason! I just didn't want it to be a shock when you see me next!

Lesley said...

I love it! Congrats!

Holley and Brandon said...

I meant to say "Yay KASON"! I knew I spelled it wrong right as I was posting it. I'm real glad you cleared up the picture... but I've seen you fairly recently and I still think you are hot! :)

Holley and Brandon said...
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Doty6strong said...

Yippee for Kason! It's fun having a brother on a mission. Postage is going up so I heard that was one issue w/ the callings...according to Mike Royal anyway :)

Lindsay Griffeth said...

A kid from Weston's work just left for that very same mission. He is going to be there in SD in April. How exciting though!

Laura said...

Kiley this is Laura Cottam now Smith! How are you? You have a cute little family! How is Racheal?

Erin said...

Congrats Kason but June 4th... that is sooooo soon!!! He is such a cute guy, I've always thought your family is the best.

And... my hair needs your help. I forgot when you said you would be here to help it???

Staci said...

Yeah!! I bet your mom is sooo excited!! How fun Ki!!

West's said...

Hey Kiley, Your dad told me you had a blog and I finally found it (It's Tara West) Anyways, how cool for Kayson! He'll be great! Hadley's dress is so pretty! Have a great day!

amy said...

kiley girl. yes. erica ludlow. can you believe it? i seriously can't. so so happy. unfortunately, she doesn't have a blog, but email me and i will give you her email or phone number!

Anonymous said...

Hey that is so cool. Tell him Congrats!
Oh and FYI I changed my blog to

Frei Family said...

Yay!! How exciting... one of the bishops was telling me that they arent sending missonaires out the country as much... at least they are trying to keep everyone in there same country... i think kason will be so great!! I am so proud of him!!

Linds said...

Yay for your Brother! You have the best family...they are all such sweethearts. There is no doubt that he is going to be a GREAT missionary! Tell him good luck for me!

Rissa and Jared said...

Hi Kiley!! Congrats to your brother, very exciting!

Anonymous said...

Cool! My husband actually lived in Rapid City, South Dakota for a while before we met. That is awesome... Tell him congrats, and tell your family hi for me. Your baby girl is darling!